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Is AI a major drain on the world’s energy supply?

When Google announced this week that its climate emissions had risen by 48 percent since 2019, it pointed the finger at artificial intelligence.

US tech firms are building vast networks of data centres across the globe and say AI is fuelling the growth, throwing the spotlight on the amount of energy the technology is sucking up and its impact on the environment.

How does AI use electricity?
Every time a user punches a request into a chatbot or generative AI tool, the request is fired off to a data centre.

Even before that stage, developing AI programs known as large language models (LLMs) needs a huge amount of computer power.

All the while, the computers are burning through electricity and the servers get hotter, meaning more electricity to cool them.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) said in a report earlier this year that data centres in general used roughly 40 percent of electricity on computing and 40 percent on cooling.

Why are experts worried?
Big tech firms have been rushing to pack all their products with AI ever since OpenAI launched its ChatGPT bot in late 2022.

Plenty of experts are concerned these new products will cause electricity usage to spike.

This is firstly because AI services require more power than their non-AI analogues.

For example, various studies have shown that each request made to ChatGPT uses roughly 10 times the power of a single Google search.

So if Google switches all search queries to AI — about nine billion a year — it could hugely inflate the company’s electricity usage.

And most of these new services and products rely on LLMs.

Programming these algorithms is extremely intensive and usually requires high-powered computer chips.

They in turn require more cooling, which uses more electricity.

How much energy does AI use?
Before the era of AI, estimates generally suggested data centres accounted for around one percent of global electricity demand.

The IEA report said data centres, cryptocurrencies and AI combined used 460 TWh of electricity worldwide in 2022, almost two percent of total global electricity demand.

The IEA estimated that the figure could double by 2026 — the equivalent of Japan’s usage figures.

Alex De Vries, a researcher who runs the Digiconomist website, modelled the electricity used by AI alone by focusing on sales projections from the US firm NVIDIA, which has cornered the market in AI-specialised servers.

He concluded in a paper late last year that that if NVIDIA’s projected sales for 2023 were correct and all those servers ran at full power, they alone could be responsible for between 85.4–134.0 TWh of annual electricity consumption — an amount similar to Argentina or Sweden.

“The numbers I put in that article were already conservative to begin with because I couldn’t include things like cooling requirements,” he told AFP.

And he added that adoption of NVIDIA’s servers had outstripped last year’s projections, so the figures would certainly be higher.

How are data centres coping?
Fabrice Coquio of Digital Realty, a data centre company that leases its services to others, told AFP during a visit to one of its enormous facilities north of Paris in April that AI was going to transform his industry.

“It’s going to be exactly the same (as the cloud), maybe a bit more massive in terms of the deployment,” he said.

Part of Digital Realty’s latest data centre hub in Courneuve — a gigantic edifice that looks like a football stadium — will be dedicated to AI.

Coquio explained that normal computing requests could be handled by server racks in rooms with powerful air-conditioning.

But AI racks use much more powerful components, get much hotter and require water to be physically pumped into the equipment, he said.

“For sure, this requires different servers, storage equipment, communication equipment,” Coquio said.

Is it sustainable?
The biggest players in AI and data centres — Amazon, Google and Microsoft — have been trying to reduce their carbon footprints by buying up vast amounts of renewable energy.

Amazon official Prasad Kalyanaraman told AFP that the firm’s data centre division, AWS, was “the largest purchaser of renewable energy in the world today”.

AWS is committed to being a net-zero carbon company by 2040. Google and Microsoft have pledged to reach that goal by 2030.

But building new data centres and ramping up usage in existing ones is not going to help with green energy targets.

Google and Microsoft have said in recent reports that their greenhouse gas emissions have been rising in the last few years.

Google flagged a 48 per cent rise from 2019 and Microsoft a 30 percent increase from 2020.

Both have squarely blamed AI.

Microsoft President Brad Smith told Bloomberg in May the pledge was a “moonshot” made before the AI “explosion”, adding that “the Moon is five times as far away as it was in 2020”.


SERAP tells Tinubu: Order DSS to end attack against us

SERAP has called on President Bola Tinubu to order the DSS to end the attack against it

The Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) has called on President Bola Tinubu to order the Department of State Services (DSS) to end the attack against it.

SERAP made the appeal to President Tinubu in a statement signed by the Deputy Director, Kolawole Oluwadare following the invasion of the organisation’s office in Abuja on Monday.

“Some officers from DSS today invaded our Abuja office. A tall, large, dark-skinned woman entered our office, accompanied by a slim, dark-skinned man. Other officers were sighted in two unmarked vehicles stationed outside our office. The officers who interrogated our office requested to see our directors,” Oluwadare said.

“The invasion of SERAP’s office followed our call on Tinubu and his government to direct the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL) to immediately reverse the apparently illegal and unconstitutional increase in the pump price of petrol and to ensure the prompt and thorough investigation of alleged corruption and mismanagement in the NNPCL.

“We condemn the invasion of our Abuja office today by Nigeria’s Department of State Services (DSS). The Tinubu administration must immediately direct the DSS to end the intimidation and harassment of SERAP and our staff members.”

Oluwadare added in the statement: “The invasion of SERAP’s office by the DSS and the harassment and intimidation of our staff members is a brutal assault on the entire human rights community in the country.

“The escalating crackdown on human rights, and harassment and intimidation of NGOs and human rights defenders that have shown astonishing courage in their human rights work hurt those most in need, undermine access of Nigerian victims of human rights violations and abuses to justice, and contribute to a culture of impunity of perpetrators.

“This government has an obligation to support and protect civil society groups and human rights defenders. We are seriously concerned about the growing restrictions on civic space and the brutal crackdown on the human rights of Nigerians.

“President Tinubu must urgently instruct appropriate authorities to promptly and thoroughly investigate the invasion of our offices and to bring to justice those involved.

“Nigerian authorities must allow SERAP to freely carry out our mandates as recognized under the Nigerian Constitution 1999 [as amended], the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights to which Nigeria is a state party.

“Nigerian authorities must end the harassment and intimidation attacks against SERAP and ensure the safety and security of our staff.”

He stressed that if the Tinubu government does not take all necessary measures to immediately end the intimidation and harassment of SERAP or any other civil society group for that matter, SERAP will to take appropriate legal action nationally and internationally to challenge the brutal crackdown and hold the authorities to account for their constitutional and international human rights obligations.

Oluwadare said that SERAP will continue to work to challenge any attempt to restrict, silence or eliminate the voices of credible civil society in the country and urged the presidency to speak out strongly against the intimidation and harassment of SERAP and its staff

“Under the Constitution of Nigeria 1999 (as amended) and international human rights law, everyone whose rights are violated is entitled to a right to an effective remedy,” he said.

“Exposing human rights violations and seeking redress for them is largely dependent on the degree of security enjoyed by civil society groups and human rights defenders.”

Oluwadare said while some may not like to hear some of the things SERAP has said, this in no way justifies the invasion of its office and harassment and intimidation of its staff members.

He has also urged the authorities to show commitment to protecting the right to freedom of expression and guarantee conditions for the civil society to flourish.

Human rights lawyer and senior advocate of Nigeria, Femi Falana, meanwhile, said: “We condemn the invasion of SERAP’s office. The Tinubu government must urgently fish out the officers who carried out the invasion of SERAP’s office in the name of the government.

“Anyone found to be responsible for the invasion must be prosecuted. The government must allow human rights defenders to freely carry out their work, consistent with the Nigerian Constitution.”

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LP presidency, governorship tickets open to all, says Abure faction

The Julius Abure-led faction of the Labour Party (LP) has announced that all tickets for the 2027 general election are open to all qualified Nigerians.

The fraction made the statement after a national executive committee (NEC) meeting in Abuja on Monday.

The faction said the party’s presidential and governorship tickets are not reserved for any individuals, contrary to earlier reports.

This development comes after some Labour Party leaders, including Obi and Otti, as well as some elected Senators and House of Representatives members, met in Umuahia, Abia State, last week to form a 29-man caretaker committee to lead the party in the interim.

The Committee, which is to be chaired by former Minister of Finance, Nenadi Usman, will midwife an election of new leadership in 90 days.

However, in a communiqué signed by Abure, and National Secretary, Umar Ibrahim, the NEC nullified the decision taken at the stakeholders meeting convened by Otti in Umuahia.

The Julius Abure-led faction also claimed Otti lacked the authority to call such a meeting, citing Article 14 (4) (B) of the party’s constitution.

The communiqué read, “NEC in session also reviewed the decision of the National Convention to reserve its Presidential and Governorship tickets for Peter Gregory Obi and Alex Otti respectively,

“Consequently, all tickets of the party from Presidency to the House of assemblies are open to all qualified Nigerians.

“The NEC in session noted that the Governor of Abia State, His Excellency Alex Otti, who convened the meeting, did not have the power within the Party’s Constitution as provided in Article 14 (4) (B) gives power to call meetings only to the National Secretary with the approval of the National Chairman,” it reads.

“NEC in session further reiterates that the Governor of Abia State does not even have the power to call his Ward Executive meeting without the approval and the consent of his Ward Chairman.

“The meeting contravenes the provisions of Section 82 (1) (2) (a) of the Electoral Act 2022 which provides as follows; 82 (1) Every registered political party shall give the Commission at least 21 days’ notice of any Convention, Congress, Conference or meeting convened for the purpose of ‘merger’ and electing members of its executive committees, other governing bodies or nominating candidates for any of the elective offices specified under this act.”

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NLC demands immediate, unconditional release of Ajaero

The NLC has demanded the immediate and unconditional release of Joe Ajaero

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has demanded the immediate and unconditional release of its President, Joe Ajaero.

The spokesman of NLC, Benson Upah in a statement demanded the release of Ajaero following his arrest by the Department of State for Security (DSS) on Monday morning.

“This morning, the President of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Comrade Joe Ajaero, was seized and whisked away by agents of the Nigerian State while on his way to the United Kingdom on the invitation of the Trade Union Congress (TUC) of Britain,” Upah said.

“Comrade Ajaero was set to attend and address the global gathering of workers on behalf of Nigerian workers at the Congress of the Trade Union Congress (TUC) in the UK, a platform where critical discussions on workers’ rights, social justice and economic fairness are discussed.

“We are yet to ascertain his whereabouts or his state of health as all efforts we have made to get in touch with him have proved abortive.

“We wish to categorically state that Comrade Ajaero has been detained without any legal warrant or formal instrument. Joe Ajaero is not a fugitive.

“His detention is therefore a brazen act of lawlessness and intimidation as he has not been declared wanted by any law enforcement body. His detention is a brazen act of intimidation and completely unjustified under the laws of our nation.

“The mere contemplation of not just stopping a lawful citizen from travelling but also sequestering his freedom is an affront to our democratic and natural rights as a people and as workers.

“This is an unmistakable demonstration of the height of lawlessness being perpetuated by the Nigerian government and its agencies in their bid to silence every voice of dissent and opposition in the country as the economic policies of the government continues to afflict the people with monumental suffering and hardship.

“Such actions are not only undemocratic but immoral as well as a direct affront to the fundamental rights of citizens and organizations to lawfully express their views and carry out their activities.

“In light of this troubling development, the Congress puts all its affiliates, State Councils, Civil society allies and all patriotic Nigerians on the highest state of alert.

“The Congress will not stand idly by while the rights of its leaders and members are trampled upon. Accordingly, we demand for the immediate and unconditional release of comrade Ajaero.

“Furthermore, we call on the international community, human rights organizations, and all advocates of democracy to take note of this rising wave of authoritarianism in Nigeria. The world must bear witness to these assaults on human dignity, civil liberties, and the rule of law.

“The NLC remains resolute in its commitment to protecting workers’ rights and will not be cowed by the oppressive tactics of the state. Once again, we demand the immediate and unconditional release of Comrade Joe Ajaero and the cessation of all forms of harassment against labour leaders and the Nigerian working class including innocent citizens who hold dissenting opinions.

“We equally demand that the state frees all Nigerians languishing in various prisons around the country for exercising their democratic rights to protest in the #EndBadGovernance rallies around the country.

“Finally, the organs of the congress are in a closed door meeting whose outcome will be made available to the public.”

Upah had earlier confirmed Ajaero’s arrest in an interview with Channels Television. He said the DSS operatives arrested Ajaero at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport in Abuja.

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Unveiling the Hidden Wonders: Places You Think Don’t Exist

The world is full of mysteries and surprises, and sometimes the most incredible places are those we least expect to exist. From secret cities to mystical islands, here are some astonishing places that will challenge your perceptions:

  1. Hang Son Doong Cave, Vietnam – The world’s largest cave is so massive it can fit an entire city block, including skyscrapers.
  1. Surtsey Island, Iceland – This volcanic island was born in the 1960s and is still growing, offering a unique glimpse into the Earth’s creation process.
  2. Hidden Beach, Marieta Islands, Mexico – A protected nature reserve with a stunning beach only accessible by boat.
  3. Trolltunga Rock Formation, Norway – A challenging hike rewarded with a unique rock formation resembling a troll’s tongue.
  4. Glowworm Grotto, Waitomo, New Zealand – An underground cave illuminated by thousands of glowworms.
  1. Red Beach, Panjin, China – A beach with a vibrant red color due to a special type of seaweed.
  2. Grand Prismatic Spring, USA – The largest hot spring in the US, known for its kaleidoscope of colors.
  1. Vaadhoo Island, Maldives – A tropical paradise with waters that glow at night due to bioluminescent phytoplankton.

These extraordinary places remind us that there’s still magic to be discovered in our world. So, pack your bags and get ready to uncover the secrets of these incredible destinations.

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SSS invades SERAP office in Abuja

The SSS has invaded SERAP's office in Abuja

The State Security Service (SSS) has invaded the office of the Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) in Abuja.

SERAP made this known through a post it shared on its official X account on Monday afternoon.

“Officers from Nigeria’s State Security Service (SSS) are presently unlawfully occupying SERAP’s office in Abuja, asking to see our directors,” the post read.

“President Bola Tinubu must immediately direct the SSS to end the harassment, intimidation and attack on the rights of Nigerians.”

The Department of State for Security (DSS) had, meanwhile, earlier on Monday morning arrested the President of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Joe Ajaero.

The NLC head of media and corporate communications, Benson Upah confirmed Ajaero’s arrest in an interview with Channels Television.

Upah said the DSS operatives arrested Ajaero at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Aiport in Abuja.

According to Upah, the NLC does not know where its president has been taken to but he had sent a message saying it was the DSS that arrested him.

The NLC president recently honoured the invitation of the Intelligence Response Team (IRT) in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja.

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DSS arrests Joe Ajaero

The DSS has arrested the NLC President, Joe Ajaero

The Department of State for Security (DSS) on Monday morning arrested the President of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Joe Ajaero.

The NLC head of media and corporate communications, Benson Upah confirmed Ajaero’s arrest in an interview with Channels Television.

Upah said the DSS operatives arrested Ajaero at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Aiport in Abuja.

According to Upah, the NLC does not know where its president has been taken to but he had sent a message saying it was the DSS that arrested him.

The NLC president recently honoured the invitation of the Intelligence Response Team (IRT) in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja.

Ajaero had a week before then agreed to honour the invitation of the Nigerian Police Force (NPF) over his alleged role in the financing of terrorism on Thursday, August 29, 2024.

He arrived at the venue at exactly 10:17am, accompanied by prominent lawyer Femi Falana (SAN), Marshal Abubakar, Deji Adeyanju, and some senior officials of the NLC.

They all left the IRT headquarters in Abuja at about 11.15 am after the NLC chairman had written his statement.

The Nigerian Police had said it was investigating Ajaero over the allegations of connection with terrorism financing, cybercrime, subversion, criminal conspiracy and treasonable felony.

The police in a statement signed by spokesman, ACP Adamu Muazu had asked the NLC president to report to it on Tuesday, August 20.

A coalition of Abuja lawyers on behalf of Ajaero, however, wrote a letter to the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Kayode Egbetokun and the IRT, requesting the details and nature of the allegations.

The letter dated Tuesday, August 20, 2024 was signed by Samuel Ogala, Esq. on behalf of Falana & Falana’s chamber.

Ogala told the security authorities that Ajaero would not be able to honour the invitation because the NLC President received it late.

He said the NLC president had an engagement that had been fixed before the receipt of the invitation letter.

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