Denrele Edun, a Nigerian television personality, fashion icon, and entertainer, has reached a milestone birthday – 43! With a career spanning over two decades, Denrele has...
In a recent segment on Good Morning America, the spotlight was on the resurgence of ’80s fashion, blending iconic retro styles with contemporary twists. The show...
L’Oréal Paris is thrilled to announce Temi Otedola as their first African digital ambassador. Temi Otedola, renowned Nigerian actress, fashion influencer, and entrepreneur, brings her vibrant...
In a recent episode of CNN’s African Voices Changemakers, fashion designers Veekee James and Andrea Iyamah were spotlighted for their remarkable contributions to the fashion industry,...
Style and fashion play a crucial role in every woman’s life. As women, we desire to appear attractive and exude confidence. Yet, the plenty of choices...