
Trump Surges Ahead in 2024 Race, Voters Discontent with Choices

In a surprising twist, former President Donald Trump has taken a slight lead over President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential race following their first televised debate. The latest survey by the Pew Research Center reveals that Trump has a 4-point advantage, with 44% of registered voters backing him compared to 40% for Biden. Adding to the mix, 15% of voters are throwing their support behind third-party candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

However, the race is marred by a broad dissatisfaction with the candidates. Nearly 7 in 10 voters expressed discontent with the choices for president, painting a bleak picture of voter sentiment. Conducted in the first week of July among 9,424 adults, including 7,729 registered voters, the survey found that both Biden and Trump are widely viewed as flawed. A striking majority described both candidates as “embarrassing,” with 63% attributing this label to each. Even among their supporters, there is a notable lack of enthusiasm; 37% of Biden supporters and 33% of Trump supporters admitted feeling embarrassed by their candidate.

This dissatisfaction extends beyond personal feelings to perceptions of the campaign itself. An overwhelming 87% of participants stated that the current presidential campaign does not make them feel proud of the country. Additionally, 76% believe the election is not focused on important policy debates, while 68% criticize it for being excessively negative. The desire for fresh faces is growing, with more than half of all voters now favoring the idea of replacing both Biden and Trump on the ballot, nearly double the number from April.

Despite the general dissatisfaction, Trump supporters appear more content with their choice than those backing Biden or Kennedy. About 51% of Trump supporters reported being satisfied with the presidential candidates, compared to a smaller proportion of Biden supporters and only 10% of Kennedy supporters. Biden’s approval ratings remain low, with only about a third of Americans approving of his job performance. Concerns about his age and mental fitness have intensified following the first debate on June 27, where his ratings for mental sharpness dropped significantly from October 2020.

Trump, on the other hand, has maintained his base more effectively. According to the survey, 88% of Trump voters from 2020 continue to support him, compared to 79% of Biden’s 2020 voters. Demographically, Trump has stronger support among white voters and those aged 30 and older, while Biden and Kennedy have more support among Black and younger voters. Notably, Biden leads significantly among Asian voters, while both candidates are tied at 36% among Hispanic voters.

When it comes to policy issues, voters preferred Trump’s handling of immigration, the economy, and foreign policy. However, Biden was favored on abortion policy and his ability to collaborate with officials from the opposing party. These nuanced preferences highlight the complex landscape of voter priorities and the challenges both candidates face in the months ahead.

In this charged atmosphere, the upcoming election promises to be a contentious and closely watched battle. With dissatisfaction running high and voter sentiment volatile, the race to the White House is anything but predictable. The only certainty is that both candidates will need to address the deep concerns and aspirations of the electorate to secure victory in 2024.

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