Moringa, a plant native to India and Africa, has been revered for centuries for its medicinal properties and nutritional value. This “miracle tree” is packed with...
In the first week of Big Brother Naija (BBNaija), the Mbadiwe twins won the season’s weekly Head of House (HOH) nominations. The voting breakdown is as...
Funso Doherty, a former governorship candidate of the Action Democratic Congress (ADC) in Lagos, has joined the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). In a statement on Monday,...
The Federal Government on Monday in Abuja announced its plans to digitalise 80 per cent of government activities by 2025. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN)...
Nollywood actor and filmmaker, Femi Adebayo, on Monday announced plans for a sequel to his Yoruba epic movie, “Jagun Jagun”. Adebayo disclosed this in an Instagram...