This event occurred just a day after four police officers and a point-of-sale operator were killed in Irette, part of Owerri West LGA in Imo. The...
Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram Messenger app, has shared that he fathered 100 biological children worldwide despite being single. The 39-year-old revealed this...
Red lipstick is a timeless beauty staple that exudes confidence, glamour, and sophistication. From ancient civilizations to modern-day runways, red lipstick has played a significant role...
When it comes to our daily dressing routine, we often focus on the visual aspects – clothes, shoes, accessories, and makeup. However, there’s an often-overlooked aspect...
The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) says next-of-kin, legal representatives and beneficial owners can claim the funds in dormant accounts. CBN said this in a report released over the weekend....