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How To Make A Great First Impression In A Job Interview

Making a great first impression is crucial for landing the job you want. In this guide, we’ll cover tips and strategies to help you impress your potential employer from the moment you walk in the door.

Job Interview Image
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

Nervous about an upcoming job interview? Making a great first impression is crucial for landing the job you want. In this guide, we’ll cover tips and strategies to help you impress your potential employer from the moment you walk in the door.

Why First Impressions Matter

First impressions can set the tone for the entire interview. According to a study by Princeton psychologists, people form impressions in just a tenth of a second. Your appearance, body language, and communication skills all contribute to the impression you make.

Preparing for the Interview

1. Research the Company

Understanding the company’s mission, values, and culture shows that you’re genuinely interested in the position. Visit the company’s website, read their latest news, and follow them on social media. Glassdoor is a great resource for company reviews and interview insights.

2. Practice Common Interview Questions

Prepare answers for common interview questions like “Tell me about yourself” and “Why do you want to work here?” Practice your responses out loud to build confidence. This list of common interview questions by The Balance Careers can help.

Dressing for Success

1. Choose Professional Attire

Dress appropriately for the industry. For most corporate jobs, business formal is expected. In more creative fields, business casual might be acceptable. When in doubt, it’s better to be slightly overdressed.

2. Pay Attention to Grooming

Make sure your clothes are clean and well-fitted. Pay attention to your grooming—hair, nails, and minimal accessories. For more tips, check out this guide on dressing for an interview.

Making a Positive Impact

1. Arrive on Time

Punctuality shows that you value the interviewer’s time. Aim to arrive 10-15 minutes early.

2. Greet with Confidence

Offer a firm handshake, make eye contact, and smile. A confident greeting sets a positive tone.

During the Interview

1. Show Enthusiasm

Express genuine interest in the role and the company. Enthusiasm can be infectious and shows you’re excited about the opportunity.

2. Use Positive Body Language

Maintain good posture, nod to show you’re listening, and avoid crossing your arms. Positive body language can make you appear more approachable and engaged.

Answering Questions Effectively

1. Be Concise and Relevant

Answer questions clearly and concisely. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your responses. For more on the STAR method, check out this guide by Indeed.

2. Ask Thoughtful Questions

Prepare a few questions to ask the interviewer. This shows you’re proactive and interested in the role. Avoid questions about salary and benefits in the first interview. Here are some good questions to ask by The Muse.

After the Interview

1. Send a Thank-You Note

Sending a thank-you note within 24 hours of the interview shows appreciation and reinforces your interest in the position. For tips on writing a thank-you note, see this guide by Harvard Business Review.


Making a great first impression in a job interview is about preparation, confidence, and communication. By researching the company, practicing your responses, dressing appropriately, and using positive body language, you can leave a lasting positive impression. Don’t forget to follow up with a thank-you note to reinforce your enthusiasm for the role.

Ready to ace your interview? Visit Wave News NG for more tips and resources on job interviews and career development.


Study finds odd reason most women masturbate

Women masturbate as a coping mechanism and way to relieve stress — rather than a craving for sex, according to a new study.

Researchers in Switzerland surveyed 370 women aged 18 to 56 years old on how often they masturbate and the reasons behind it.

In total, the entire group only masturbated nine times a month.

But those who were psychologically distressed — regularly anxious or stressed — masturbated more often than those who were not.

Previous research has suggested the activity can help to relieve stress because it prompts the feel-good hormone dopamine to be released in the brain.

One woman wrote in response to the survey: ‘For me, it is also a valve to relieve stress. I notice that I masturbate more often during exam periods, for example.’

A second said: ‘[Masturbation] distracts me and relieves me from stress’, while a third added, ‘it brings me back to the here and now and makes me forget everything else for a moment’.

Model Cara Delevingne says she wants to end the ‘global stigma’ around discussing female masturbation: ‘Men are talking about it all the time’

In the study, published online, scientists recruited 370 women who had masturbated at least once over the last three months via Facebook, Instagram and university mailing lists.

Each completed a 35-minute survey in January 2021 on their masturbation frequency, habits and a questionnaire that determined whether they were psychologically distressed.

Results were then adjusted for factors such as relationship status, age and education level.

Of those who completed the survey, 85 percent were heterosexual, while 64 percent were in relationships and about half had a university degree.

Overall, 12 percent of the women — or 44 participants — said they masturbated as a coping mechanism to relieve stress.

But the main reason women masturbated, according to the survey, was to promote calm and relaxation, with 64 percent saying this was why they did the activity.

A further 55 percent also said they masturbated because it evoked feelings of joy.

Few women said they masturbated for reasons such as to help them fall asleep or to relieve any physical pain.

In the paper, they wrote: ‘According to the women in our study, masturbation serves as a strategy to induce positive emotions and promote relaxation when experiencing stress.

‘These findings are consistent with previous research that has highlighted the role of masturbation as a coping strategy for psychological stress and as a means of relaxation.’

In the initial group of 800 women, 15 were excluded because they said they had never masturbated while another 53 were excluded because they said they had not masturbated in the last three months.

Participants on psychiatric medication or who reported using anal stimulation were also excluded from the study.

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Best Sites to Find Remote Work Opportunities from Nigeria

Let’s walk through the top 15 websites that can help you find remote jobs from Nigeria.

Let’s walk through the top 15 websites that can help you find remote jobs from Nigeria.

If you’re a Nigerian looking to dive into the world of remote work, you’re in luck. There are tons of websites out there where you can land amazing remote job opportunities. Whether you’re a tech wizard, a creative genius, or a marketing guru, there’s something for everyone. Let’s walk through the top 15 websites that can help you find remote jobs from Nigeria.

1. Upwork

Website: Upwork

Best Sites to Find Remote Work Opportunities from Nigeria

Upwork is like the go-to place for freelancers everywhere. You create a profile, list your skills, and start bidding on projects. From writing and graphic design to web development, there’s a huge variety of jobs. It’s a fantastic platform to connect with clients from all over the world.

2. Freelancer

Website: Freelancer


Freelancer is pretty similar to Upwork. You can bid on projects across different categories. It’s a great place to find remote jobs for Nigeria and connect with international employers. Plus, the variety of job categories means there’s always something new popping up.

3. Fiverr

Website: Fiverr

Best Sites to Find Remote Work Opportunities from Nigeria

Fiverr is unique because you can offer your services starting at just $5. It’s perfect for creative services like graphic design, writing, and video editing. Create a profile, list your gigs, and attract clients who need your skills. It’s a fun way to showcase what you’re good at and get paid for it.

4. Remote OK

Website: Remote OK

Best Sites to Find Remote Work Opportunities from Nigeria
Remote OK

Remote OK is a job board that specializes in remote job listings. You’ll find jobs in tech, marketing, customer support, and more. It’s user-friendly and updated regularly, so you’ll always have fresh opportunities to explore.

5. We Work Remotely

Website: We Work Remotely

Best Sites to Find Remote Work Opportunities from Nigeria
We Work Remotely

This site is all about remote work. We Work Remotely has job listings in programming, design, copywriting, and customer service. It’s a go-to resource for finding legit remote jobs that fit your skills.

6. FlexJobs

Website: FlexJobs

Best Sites to Find Remote Work Opportunities from Nigeria

FlexJobs is a subscription service that offers curated job listings for remote and flexible work. They vet their job postings to ensure legitimacy, so you can trust the opportunities you find here. It covers a wide range of industries too!

7. LinkedIn

Website: LinkedIn

Best Sites to Find Remote Work Opportunities from Nigeria
LinkedIn Jobs

LinkedIn isn’t just for networking—it’s also great for finding remote jobs. Optimize your profile, connect with professionals in your field, and check out the remote job listings. It’s a fantastic way to network and discover job opportunities.

8. Toptal

Website: Toptal

Best Sites to Find Remote Work Opportunities from Nigeria

Toptal is for the top freelancers out there. If you’re highly skilled, you can connect with high-quality clients looking for professionals in software development, design, and finance. They have a rigorous screening process, but it’s worth it for the premium remote job opportunities.

9. Well Found: (Formerly Angelist)

Website: Well Found:

Best Sites to Find Remote Work Opportunities from Nigeria
Well Found

AngelList is a hub for startup jobs. If you love the startup scene, this is the place to find remote job listings in tech, marketing, and more. It’s a great platform for discovering early-stage companies looking for talented professionals.



Best Sites to Find Remote Work Opportunities from Nigeria
Remoteco focuses on remote job listings and provides resources to help you succeed in remote work. Whether you’re in customer service, HR, or IT, you’ll find a variety of job categories here. Plus, their insights on remote work best practices are super helpful.

11. Hubstaff Talent

Website: Hubstaff Talent

Best Sites to Find Remote Work Opportunities from Nigeria
Hubstaff Talent

Hubstaff Talent is a free resource where companies find remote talent. It’s great for long-term remote work opportunities across different fields. You can showcase your skills and previous work experience to attract employers.

12. JustRemote

Website: JustRemote

Best Sites to Find Remote Work Opportunities from Nigeria

JustRemote is a platform that specializes in remote job listings across various industries. It’s easy to navigate and you can find opportunities in tech, marketing, design, and more. They offer a clear listing of remote jobs without the clutter, making your job search straightforward.

13. Jobspresso

Website: Jobspresso

Best Sites to Find Remote Work Opportunities from Nigeria

Jobspresso is a curated job board for remote jobs. They feature opportunities in tech, marketing, customer support, and more. The site is known for quality job listings and an easy-to-use interface.

14. PeoplePerHour

Website: PeoplePerHour

Best Sites to Find Remote Work Opportunities from Nigeria

PeoplePerHour is another freelance marketplace connecting businesses with freelancers globally. You can find jobs in writing, web development, design, and more. It’s a great way to find freelance work that fits your schedule.

15. SimplyHired

Website: SimplyHired

Best Sites to Find Remote Work Opportunities from Nigeria

SimplyHired is a job search engine that aggregates listings from various sources. By filtering for remote jobs, you can discover opportunities across different industries. It’s a convenient way to find remote jobs that match your skills and interests.

Other Notable Mentions:

Glassdoor: Known for company reviews, it also lists remote job opportunities.

Indeed: A global job search engine with a specific filter for remote jobs.

Dribbble: Ideal for designers looking for remote gigs.

GitHub Jobs: Perfect for developers seeking remote opportunities.

Stack Overflow Jobs: Another great platform for developers.

Tips for Success

  1. Optimize Your Profile: Highlight your skills, experience, and any relevant certifications.
  2. Tailor Applications: Customize each job application to match the job description and demonstrate how your skills align with the employer’s needs.
  3. Network Actively: Engage with professionals in your field on LinkedIn and other platforms to uncover hidden job opportunities.
  4. Build a Portfolio: Showcase your previous work to give potential employers a sense of your capabilities and experience.


With the right approach and by utilizing these 15 websites, you can successfully land remote jobs that offer flexibility and the opportunity to work with international clients. Each platform has its unique features and advantages, so explore them to find the best fit for your skills and career aspirations. By leveraging these resources, you can effectively find remote jobs from Nigeria, remote jobs in the USA, and other opportunities that align with your professional goals. Happy job hunting!

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Decade since Ebola, Sierra Leone fights another deadly fever

Rummaging in the darkness of a tiny mud and thatch home in eastern Sierra Leone, ecologist James Koninga plucks a metal rat trap from under a collapsed bedframe.

The 62-year-old belongs to a group of researchers tracking the deadly Lassa fever, a viral haemorrhagic illness endemic in several West African countries and transmitted by infected rats.

Koninga knows all too well what is at stake — he spent a gruelling 20 days in hospital with a Lassa-induced fever, headache and diarrhoea as a young researcher 30 years ago.

“I thought I was going away, I was going to die,” he said.

Ten years ago, the hemorrhagic Ebola virus devastated this region, killing over 11,000 people across Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia.

Sierra Leone has not recorded an Ebola case since the outbreak ended in 2016, thanks partly to a vaccine rollout.

In Kenema district, an early Ebola epicentre, scientists are using the lessons learned a decade ago to try to stop Lassa fever in its tracks.

With an overall fatality rate of one percent, Lassa is nowhere near as deadly as Ebola, which kills on average 50 percent of sufferers, according to the World Health Organization.

But one in five Lassa infections can result in severe illness with a fatality rate of 15 percent.

While cases have largely plateaued in Sierra Leone, researchers are seeing a spread beyond traditional Lassa hotspots.

There is no licensed vaccine and only limited treatment, with the scars of Ebola preventing many from seeking early life-saving help.

  • -Living with rats –
    Monitoring the rodent population is crucial in remote villages like Mapuma, where some 20 houses lie enveloped by dense forest.

“Rats burrow inside the houses for shelter,” explained Koninga, donning a face shield and gloves.

Humans usually contract Lassa virus after having contact with the urine, saliva or droppings of infected rats.

“If people come in from the bush with cuts on them and lie on the bed, they could be infected.”

Proximity to the forest, rudimentary mud construction, and uncovered grain and water storage make the dwellings “five-star hotels” for rats, said Lansana Kanneh, 58, field supervisor at the region’s Kenema Government Hospital (KGH).

“Food is scarce for these people so sometimes they even eat the food that has been partially eaten by the rodent,” he added.

Trappers can find up to 20 rats per day in some villages.

After identifying if the rodents are the Lassa-carrying Mastomys variety, samples are collected for analysis.

The rats then receive an injection that prevents viral transmission before being released.

Lassa virus infects between 100,000 and 300,000 people annually in West Africa, killing roughly 5,000, according to the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

But the figures likely underestimate the true scale given surveillance challenges.

Admissions to the Lassa unit at KGH — Sierra Leone’s only dedicated treatment centre -– have declined in the past decade.

Patients normally arrive in the 14-bed isolation ward during the dry season from November to May, but this once-predictable pattern is increasingly uncertain.

  • -‘Lassa blood’ –
    “Now we see cases year-round,” said Donald Grant, head of the KGH Lassa fever programme.

The team are also noticing Lassa beyond traditionally endemic zones, with Grant suspecting an improvement in testing as well as deforestation driving rodents into closer contact with humans.

Over the past decade, KGH has also seen an alarming uptick in Lassa patient mortality, which now stands at over 50 percent.

“We’ve seen a lot of these cases coming in in their late stages,” said Kanneh.

“Sometimes they only spend 24 to 48 hours in the hospital, and they die.”

Rapid detection is the key to survival, but non-specific febrile symptoms mean Lassa is commonly misdiagnosed as malaria, cholera or typhoid.

Hours-long journeys on dirt roads prevent many from seeking treatment.

As does the trauma from Ebola, which killed some 4,000 Sierra Leoneans.

“The community people thought that Ebola was brought by the health workers,” Kanneh said, explaining that a lingering mistrust contributed to reduced admissions.

A KGH team raises awareness in local communities about seeking rapid help and ensuring good domestic hygiene.

It is a message well-received by Musa Mosoh, a 53-year-old Lassa survivor who lost seven family members to the illness.

As the morning rain fell in his village of Panguma — a Lassa red zone — Mosoh recalled how his family had faced stigma from the community.

“Now… people have got the understanding we are not from Lassa blood, it’s just a sickness.”

Mosoh tells those with a continuous fever or headache to go straight to the hospital, and even keeps cats to repel any virus-carrying rodents.

Grant, the doctor, is hopeful of a vaccine in the next few years.

Participants in Nigeria and Liberia are currently being given the first-ever Lassa vaccine to reach phase two trials — the midway point of testing in humans.

But Grant still urges caution.

Ebola “taught us a lesson that we need not wait until that critical moment that it overwhelms all of us,” he said.

“We need to act now.”

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Why marriages are collapsing–Counsellor

Some Nigerians have expressed worries about the rampant cases of broken homes and their effects on society.

They are concerned that the current economic hardship may increase divorce and separation in the country. The citizens spoke with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos.

Dr Jumoke Aina, a mother and an educator, told NAN that broken homes often result from divorce, separation and abandonment.

According to her, these situations can be triggered by marital conflicts, infidelity, financial difficulties, substance abuse, domestic violence and incompatibility between partners.

Aina said that the consequences of marriage breakups on the children included emotional distress, academic failure and behavioural problems.

Aina added that people from broken homes had increased rates of juvenile delinquency, crime and substance abuse.

Aina said that broken homes could be avoided or minimised through the provision of access to professional counselling, which could assist couples in resolving conflicts and improving communication.

Also speaking, Prof. Folasade Alade, a specialist in family sex and marital counselling, also attributed marriage breakups to financial challenges lack of communication, infidelity, incompatibility and in-law interferences.

Alade said that the psychological and emotional impacts of homebreaking on children included low self-esteem, depression, anxiety and aggression.

“As a lecturer, I easily recognise anyone from broken homes in the school because they are aggressive, not always happy, and they are bullies.

“It really has negative effects on society especially on our citadel of learning. They mix with the good ones and they corrupt some of them, ” she said.

Alade said that broken homes could be prevented with tolerance and patience in marriages.

“Since the two people who are joined together in marriage come from different backgrounds, a significant amount of patience and tolerance is, therefore, needed to prevent broken homes,” she said.

Dr Abimbola Oladotun, Founder, of Happily Ever After Counselling, a non-governmental organisation, told NAN that divorce was a disease that should be denied entrance into one’s marital life.

According to her, divorce eats up the bodies, hearts and souls of those affected.

Oladotun added that hardness of heart among partners was a major cause of broken marriages.

“As humans, couples would hurt themselves in different ways, intensities and frequencies, but if couples would practise ‘advance forgiveness’, that way, each partner can decide to forgive the wrong his/her spouse is yet to commit, ” she said.

According to her, divorce makes some children become miscreants. She said that the concept of ‘leaving and cleaving’ would also help to reduce divorce and separation.

“Most couples go into marriage not leaving their past, mistakes, fears, and wrong assumptions of the other gender, and they begin to play out in little things,” she said.

A lawyer and human rights activist, Mr Kabir Akingbolu, said that many present-day marriages were too casually prepared for and arranged, leaving the couples not truly knowing themselves.

“A broken home, oftentimes, produces irresponsible and psychologically imbalanced children. These children lack patience and it leads to vices such as stealing and robbery.

“By addressing the causes and implementing supportive measures, the negative impacts of broken homes on society can be reduced, fostering a healthier and a more stable community,” he said.

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How to Write a Compelling Resume: Tips, Tricks & Templates


Your resume is often the first impression you make on potential employers. Crafting a compelling resume that showcases your skills and experience can make all the difference in landing your dream job. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create a standout resume.

Step 1: Choose the Right Format

Popular Formats:

  • Chronological: Lists your work experience in reverse chronological order. Ideal for those with a solid work history.
  • Functional: Focuses on your skills and experience rather than chronological work history. Good for those changing careers or with gaps in employment.
  • Combination: Blends elements of both chronological and functional formats. Suitable for most job seekers.

Choosing the Best Format for You: The format you choose should highlight your strengths and downplay any potential weaknesses. If you have a consistent work history and are applying for a job in the same field, a chronological resume is likely the best choice. If you’re changing careers or have gaps in your employment history, a functional resume can help focus on your skills and accomplishments rather than your job titles. A combination resume offers the best of both worlds, allowing you to highlight your skills and your work history in a balanced way.

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Step 2: Include Essential Sections

Must-Have Sections:

  • Contact Information: Full name, phone number, email address, LinkedIn profile, and portfolio (if applicable).
  • Summary or Objective: A brief statement highlighting your career goals and what you bring to the table.
  • Work Experience: Detailed listings of your previous jobs, including job title, company name, dates of employment, and key responsibilities and achievements.
  • Education: List your educational background, including degrees earned, institutions attended, and graduation dates.
  • Skills: Highlight relevant skills that match the job description.
  • Certifications: Include any relevant certifications

Step 3: Tailor Your Resume for Each Job


  • Use Keywords: Incorporate keywords from the job description to pass through applicant tracking systems (ATS). Many employers use ATS to filter resumes, and using the right keywords can help your resume get noticed.
  • Highlight Relevant Experience: Focus on experiences and skills most relevant to the job you’re applying for. Tailor your work experience and skills sections to align with the job description.
  • Showcase Achievements: Use quantifiable achievements to demonstrate your impact in previous roles (e.g., “Increased sales by 20%”). Numbers and specific examples can make your resume stand out.

Customizing Each Application: Before you apply for a job, carefully read the job description and identify the key skills and experiences the employer is looking for. Customize your resume by highlighting these areas in your summary, work experience, and skills sections. This demonstrates that you have taken the time to understand the job and that you possess the qualifications they need.

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Step 4: Use Strong Action Verbs


  • Managed: Shows leadership and oversight.
  • Developed: Indicates innovation and creation.
  • Implemented: Highlights the execution of projects.
  • Achieved: Demonstrates results and accomplishments.

Creating Impactful Descriptions: Action verbs can make your resume more dynamic and engaging. Instead of using weak or passive language, choose strong verbs that clearly convey your responsibilities and achievements. For example, “Managed a team of 10 sales representatives” is more impactful than “Was responsible for managing a sales team.”

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Step 5: Proofread and Edit


  • Check for Errors: Proofread for spelling, grammar, and formatting errors. Even small mistakes can make a bad impression on potential employers.
  • Get Feedback: Ask friends, family, or mentors to review your resume. Fresh eyes can catch mistakes you might have missed and offer valuable feedback.
  • Use Tools: Utilize online tools like Grammarly or Hemingway for additional editing help. These tools can help you improve the clarity and readability of your resume.

Polishing Your Resume: Take the time to carefully review and revise your resume. Ensure that it is well-organized, easy to read, and free of errors. A polished resume reflects your professionalism and attention to detail, which can make a positive impression on employers.

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  • Microsoft Office: Offers a variety of resume templates through Word. These templates are professional and customizable.
  • Canva: Provides customizable resume templates. Canva’s templates are visually appealing and can help your resume stand out.
  • Google Docs: Has several resume templates available for free. These templates are easy to use and accessible.

Choosing a Template: Select a template that best fits your industry and personal style. A clean, professional template is suitable for most jobs, but creative fields might benefit from a more unique design. Ensure that the template is easy to read and allows you to highlight your most important information.

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Creating a compelling resume is a crucial step in your job search. By choosing the right format, including essential sections, tailoring your resume for each job, using strong action verbs, and proofreading meticulously, you can make a strong impression on potential employers. A well-crafted resume showcases your qualifications and helps you stand out in a competitive job market.

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