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Is Your Memory Getting Worse? 8 Reasons That Can Happen, According to Doctors

Yellow stickies on your computer monitor. Alerts in your calendar. A checklist reading “Keys? Charger? Reusable grocery bags? Small child?” on the inside of your door so you can’t miss it as you rush out for the day.

Thank the goddess for those little tricks that prompt us to do, bring, buy, show up at, or otherwise attend to one of the hundreds of items on our daily lists. Life is complicated and if you’re also responsible for kids or aging parents, you’re gonna need every ding, note, and piece of string tied around your finger to keep it all straight.

And even with all that, it’s normal space on some stuff. “I’ve had plenty of 30-year-old women say they have dementia, when really they’re 30-year-old moms with three kids and a full-time job,” says Stephanie Faubion, M.D., director of the Mayo Clinic Center for Women’s Health and medical director of The North American Menopause Society.

Dr. Faubion likens our brains to a browser with too many tabs open—the computer is simply slower to respond.

Too-busy people also tend to try and multitask, which actually isn’t a thing, she says.

“Multitasking is a myth—you have to do what you’re doing and then move on to the next thing.” If you don’t remember agreeing to drive your daughter to meet her squad at Starbucks, for example, which she asked while you were cooking and replying to a text, it has nothing do with memory. “You’re basically not concentrating—your attention is just not there.”

Still, it can be a little alarming the first time you wander to the fridge, open it, and forget what you were there for. You might jump to worst-case scenarios, like that you’re on the fast track to Alzheimer’s Disease.

Whether or not your memory issues are cause for concern starts with your age. “If it’s a midlife woman going through menopause, it’s almost never true dementia. If I’m seeing a 75-year-old who is having memory concerns, that’s more worrisome to me,” says Dr. Faubion.

That’s because the risk of dementia and other conditions that can contribute to memory loss increases as you get older, says neurologist Ronald Petersen, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Mayo Clinic Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center and the Mayo Clinic Study of Aging.

“Age itself doesn’t determine anything, but it does kind of set the stage,” he says. A little falling off on things like recall of names after around age 50 is normal, but if it’s anything more than that, “we do want to look at whatever else is going on in your life,” says Dr. Petersen.

Here are some of the things that could be causing your memory glitches—and bear in mind that there may be several things going on, even if one is dominant, says Dr. Petersen:

1. You are stressed or anxious.

Hello! That would be the woman doing 700 things at the same time, or someone who has a lot of long-term external pressures, such as financial trouble or a loved one who’s not well. “When you have too many balls in the air or are burning the candle at both ends, cortisol levels run high,” says Dr. Petersen. This stress hormone that keeps you revved and ready also affects the hippocampus and other parts of the brain that are involved in memory. Similarly, anxiety—persistent worry about something that may or may not happen in the future—feels like stress to your body, and so has the same effect on your brain. “When your anxiety level is high, you can’t focus on anything and your attention is going to be impaired—it’s going to feel like you have a memory disorder because you can’t concentrate on anything,” says Dr. Faubion.

2. You’re feeling depressed.

The jury is out as to whether depression is a cause of memory loss or a symptom of it, but either way, research shows a link between depression and cognitive impairments, including memory issues. Even people who only have a symptom or two can have issues: One study that looked at people who were not clinically depressed found that the more symptoms of depression they had, the more memory issues they reported. And struggling with depression from a young age, another study found, is associated with poorer memory in midlife. And wouldn’t you know it? Certain older antidepressants are also associated with memory loss. Fortunately, newer medications in the SSRI category “have less of a deleterious effect on memory,” says Dr. Petersen.

3. You’re a woman in or around menopause

Among the many joys of perimenopause (the period of time leading up to menopause) and the transition itself may be a small but significant cognitive impairment, according to research, that may be independent of age. Theories abound, but “the bottom line is that we don’t really know exactly why this happens,” says Dr. Faubion.

The sorta kinda good news? Research has suggested that things go back to pre-menopause levels once you’re through the ups and downs of the transition. That said, this is far from certain, especially if you have other factors, such as poverty or HIV. “Women, especially women of color, with multiple risk factors may be more vulnerable to longer-lasting memory problems,” says Dr. Faubion. “Some of the women who were of highest risk in terms of socio-cultural stressors, with and without HIV, didn’t look better on the other side of menopause,” she says.

What’s more, perimenopause often brings on mood changes, such as anxiety and depression, and sleep problems, sometimes caused by symptoms like hot flashes. These can all affect memory. Which brings us to…

4. You’re not sleeping well or enough

Whatever the reason you’re not getting enough good quality sleep, poor shuteye can affect your memory in a big way, says Dr. Petersen. During the deeper stages of sleep, certain proteins are cleared out of the brain, says he says. “But if you never get to the stages of sleep when these housekeeping activities are thought to be taking place, perhaps toxic substances can build up in the brain,” Dr. says, and affect the way these nerves work. Talk to your doctor about possible sleep disorders such as restless leg syndrome or sleep apnea for which you can be treated—improving sleep can boost your alertness throughout the day, which helps memory, says Dr. Petersen.

5. Maybe your medications are fogging your mind

Certain medications are known to affect memory. And in the nothing-is-simple department, some of these meds are ones you’d take to help with anxiety, depression, disrupted sleep, or other problems that may keep you up at night—conditions that if left untreated can contribute to memory issues. Benzodiazepines (often taken for anxiety) are known to affect memory, as are a class of drugs called “anticholinergics,” which show up in treatments for stress urinary incontinence, over-the-counter sleep aids, and allergy treatments like Benadryl. Tricyclic antidepressants and certain opioids also deal your memory a blow.

6. You could be drinking or partying too much

Abusing alcohol or any substance (such as opioids) that can slow your central nervous system may affect memory as well, says Dr. Petersen. “I don’t want to overstate this, but clearly if someone is aging and vulnerable, two or three cocktails a night probably will catch up with you,” he says. Scientists have known for years that there is evidence of brain shrinkage in people with alcohol use disorder.

7. Perhaps you have a thyroid issue

Hypothyroidism (which is when your thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone) not only causes forgetfulness and brain fog, but research has shown that the condition can result in shrinkage of the hippocampus, an area of the brain involved with both long and short term memory. And hyperthyroidism (the gland cranks out too much thyroid hormone) can interfere with cognitive function, and a review of the literature has found that “studies with a larger sample size have shown statistically significant evidence of hyperthyroidism increasing the risk of dementia,” in older patients. “Thyroid hormones are so important for the energy metabolism of individual cells,” including those in the brain, says Dr Petersen. similarly in the brain.

One of the known treatable causes of dementia is a vitamin B12 deficiency, says Dr. Faubion, found in foods like salmon, liver and milk. The vitamin supports nerve health, so “we may check for vitamin B12 deficiency after the age 50 to make sure people are not deficient,” she adds. That said, taking B12 pills (or another B vitamin, folate, a deficiency of which may also be associated with cognitive impairment) does not help to improve memory unless you’re deficient, says Dr. Petersen, which means taking extra B12 or folate isn’t going to make you sharper.

When to see a doctor about memory loss

It’s wise to know the signs that something more serious is going on, because the sooner you seek treatment, the better.

Here’s when Drs. Petersen and Faubion suggest making an appointment.

  • If memory problems bother you. “That warrants a conversation with your physician,” says Dr. Petersen, if only to make you feel better about normal aging.
  • If you’re forgetting routine things, such as which medications you take, or things that you want to do, like a standing girls’ get-together. “It happens every so often, but if it happens tonight and then a week from now and then three weeks from now,” it’s something to look at.
  • If you tell the same story over and over in a short span of time. “I’m talking about the same conversation in a loop in one sitting,” says Dr. Faubion, rather than your aunt who, every time you see her, gleefully recounts how you yelled at the tree when you were a little girl because it wouldn’t move out of the way. If, once reminded, the person remembers telling you and doesn’t do it again, and the repetition is not getting more frequent, it’s probably fine.
  • If the memory loss comes on suddenly or after a medical procedure. “One common thing I hear is, ‘Dad was fine, until he had his prostate surgery,’” says Dr. Petersen. Sometimes everything goes well and the person is fully recovered from an illness or procedure, but perhaps a few months later his family notices memory slippage. “That to me is a notable event. It could be that when the person’s system was stressed, it may have unmasked something that was likely developing.”
  • If those around you are noticing your slips. “Most of the time it’s not the patient who notices, it’s the family, saying things like, ‘Mom isn’t right anymore,’” says Dr. Faubion. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have dementia, adds Dr. Petersen, but that it is time to get yourself evaluated.


Diddy denied $77m bail over ‘propensity for violence’

Sean “Diddy” Combs had his $50 million ($77 million) bail request denied on Wednesday, marking the third time his bid for release has been rejected since his arrest. Combs will remain incarcerated ahead of his May 5, 2025, trial on sex-trafficking charges.

US District Judge Arun Subramanian ruled against the request, citing concerns over Combs’s potential for witness tampering and evidence of prohibited communications while in custody.

“Given the nature of the allegations in this case and the information provided by the government, the court doubts the sufficiency of any conditions that place trust in Combs and individuals in his employ—like a private security detail—to follow those conditions,” the judge wrote. “There is compelling evidence of Combs’s propensity for violence.”

Combs, 55, has pleaded not guilty to charges of using his business empire, including Bad Boy Entertainment, to sexually abuse women. Prosecutors allege he organised “freak offs” involving women and male sex workers, some of whom were transported across state lines.

Prosecutor Christine Slavik presented a 2016 hotel surveillance video showing Combs assaulting former girlfriend Casandra Ventura, known as Cassie, as evidence of his violent tendencies.

Combs’s lawyers proposed home confinement at a Manhattan apartment, monitored by private security, with strict conditions barring contact with witnesses or alleged victims.

His lawyer Marc Agnifilo said there’s a zero per cent chance of Diddy acting violently. Still, he acknowledged a past incident of violence against Cassie captured on video but argued it was unrelated to the current charges. “This was a toxic, loving 11-year relationship,” Agnifilo said.

Prosecutors said Combs violated jail policy by using other inmates’ identification numbers to make unmonitored calls. They argued this conduct underscored the risk of him tampering with witnesses.

Combs has denied wrongdoing, maintaining the sexual activity described by prosecutors was consensual.

If convicted, he faces up to life in prison.

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12 Secret Santa Gifts That Could Get You Fired

‘Tis the season for Secret Santa—but not all gifts are created equal. Horror stories of Secret Santas in years gone by include being given a dead aloe vera plant, a rotten banana, a roll of duct tape, and even a pair of Kegel balls!

“Sometimes what seems like harmless fun can turn into an HR horror story faster than you can say ‘naughty list,’” say the experts at Indexsy.

“While Secret Santa is meant to spread holiday cheer, it’s important to remember that even during festive times, workplace rules still apply.”

So, before you buy that ‘hilarious’ gag gift, here are the real rules of workplace gifting. 

1. Keep It PG, Please

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Lingerie, adult toys, or anything you’d blush while buying shouldn’t end up in a workplace gift exchange.

Sure, it might get a laugh, but it’ll also get you a stern talk from HR. Let’s keep the holiday spirit… professional.

2. Hygiene Gone Wrong


Deodorant, breath mints, or acne cream might seem useful, but they also scream, “I think you need this!”

“These items feel less like thoughtful gifts and more like passive-aggressive critiques, leaving your coworker wondering if you think they stink,” says Indexsy. “No one wants their Secret Santa moment to feel like a personal intervention.”

3. Not The Time For Tough Love

Unless your colleague specifically asked for a kettlebell or a diet cookbook, these gifts can come across as a not-so-subtle way of saying, “You should work on yourself.”

Nobody wants their holiday cheer turned into a New Year’s guilt trip! Let your colleagues enjoy their holiday cookies in peace.

4. The “Wow” That Feels Weird


Buying your coworker an expensive smartwatch or designer bag might seem generous, but it can make others feel awkward or pressured to splurge next year.

Not everyone can afford to reciprocate such extravagance, and Secret Santa is about fun, not outshining the entire office.

5. The Spending Limit Matters


Speaking of price caps, don’t be that person who ignores them. If the spending limit is $20, don’t show up with a $50 bottle of wine.

Breaking the rules might seem like a flex, but it can make everyone else uncomfortable or downright annoyed.

6. The Ghosts Of Gifts Past

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That unopened candle from last year or the mug with a slight chip might feel like an easy way out, but it’s a surefire way to make someone feel unappreciated.

Re-gifting is the gift that says, “I forgot about this entirely.” Secret Santa is about thoughtfulness, not clearing out your junk drawer.

7. Helpful? Maybe. Awkward? Absolutely.

Books like How to Stop Procrastinating or Five Steps To Fix Your Finances might look inspiring on the shelf but feel patronising under the tree.

“Even if your intentions are good, the effect is awkward—like you’re saying your colleague is lazy or bad with money,” says Indexsy. “Self-improvement is great, but not when it’s gifted unsolicited.”

8. Let’s Not Start A Debate

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Anything involving politics, religion, or polarising celebrities or public figures is a recipe for awkwardness.

Secret Santa is meant to unite coworkers, not spark debates or awkward silences, so save the think-pieces for your book club.

9. Smells Like Trouble

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Perfumes and candles are tricky territory—what might smell heavenly to you could trigger headaches—or even allergic reactions—in others.

“Scent is very personal, so it’s hard to gift unless you know for sure what they like,” says Indexsy.

10. Jokes That Don’t Land

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Mocking someone’s religion, culture, or gender isn’t edgy or cute—it’s offensive. Gag gifts should be funny for everyone, not just a small subset of people who are the majority or find discomfort amusing.

If you have to ask, “Will this be taken the wrong way?” The answer is probably yes.

11. Bake With Caution

Your great-aunt’s recipe for chocolate-pepper-pickle brownies might be a family hit, but your coworkers are probably less adventurous.

Also, there’s a strong chance you could be giving your coworker something with an ingredient they don’t like – or worse, one they’re allergic to. 

If you really want people to try it, bring the dish in as a gift for everyone to share rather than putting one person on the spot. 

12. Gross, Not Great

Fart noise machines, fake poop, or anything involving bodily fluids might seem hilarious… to a five-year-old. Your coworkers? Not so much.

“Gifts like these are unlikely to go over well in a professional setting,” says Indexsy. “Unless your office culture is very lax, these gifts are better left in the joke shop.”

“Choosing a Secret Santa gift for a coworker doesn’t have to be a minefield. We recommend practical but creative items, like a quirky mug paired with their favourite tea or coffee, a desktop plant to brighten their workspace, or a puzzle or game. Universal crowd-pleasers like cozy socks, gourmet snacks, or fun desk accessories can also be a good call,” Indexsy commented.

“The key is to give something small that shows you’ve put in a little thought without going overboard. You can also think about things people might not splurge on for themselves but would enjoy having. 

“If you’re unsure about their tastes, you have two options. You can keep it safe and stick to light-hearted, non-personal gifts, like a calendar or a gift card to a local coffee shop. Or you can ask someone who knows them better if there’s anything they’d particularly like. 

“Remember, you’re aiming for a moment of joy, not a major statement. Your Secret Santa gift can say, ‘I hope this brightens your day,’ rather than ‘I know everything about you.’” 

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African Music Takes Over Coachella 2025: Seun Kuti, Remain and More to Perform

The lineup for Coachella 2025 has been announced, and it features an impressive array of African artists. Among the notable performers are Nigerian music sensations Rema and Seun Kuti.

Rema, known for his hit singles “Bad Commando” and “Calm Down,” has been making waves in the music industry with his unique sound and style. His performance at Coachella 2025 is highly anticipated, and fans are eagerly looking forward to seeing him take the stage.

Seun Kuti, the son of legendary musician Fela Kuti, is also set to perform at the festival. As the leader of the Afrobeat band Egypt 80, Seun Kuti has carried on his father’s legacy, blending traditional Yoruba music with modern styles.

Other African artists scheduled to perform at Coachella 2025 include Ghanaian rapper Sarkodie, South African singer Moonchild Sanelly, and Moroccan-American rapper French Montana.

The inclusion of these African artists in the Coachella 2025 lineup is a testament to the growing global recognition of African music and talent. It’s an exciting time for African music fans, and Coachella 2025 promises to be an unforgettable experience.

Coachella 2025 is scheduled to take place over two weekends in April 2025. Tickets are expected to sell out quickly, so fans are advised to act fast to secure their spot at the festival.

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Davido Reflects on Life as He Turns 32: “My Eyes Don See Shege”

David Adeleke, popularly known as Davido, has taken to social media to reflect on his life as he celebrates his 32nd birthday. The award-winning singer and songwriter shared a post on his Instagram handle, stating, “My eyes don see shege,” which roughly translates to “My eyes have seen trouble” in Nigerian Pidgin.

Davido’s post has sparked a mix of reactions from his fans and followers, with many interpreting his statement as a reflection on the challenges he has faced in his life and career. Despite his success and fame, Davido has indeed experienced his fair share of controversies and setbacks over the years.

However, the singer’s statement can also be seen as a testament to his resilience and determination. Despite the obstacles he has faced, Davido has continued to thrive and grow, both personally and professionally.

As he celebrates another year of life, Davido’s fans and supporters are wishing him a happy birthday and congratulating him on his achievements. The singer’s birthday post has already garnered thousands of comments and likes, with many praising him for his honesty and vulnerability.

Davido’s 32nd birthday is certainly a milestone worth celebrating, and his reflective post has given his fans a glimpse into his life and experiences. Here’s to many more years of success, happiness, and music from the one and only Davido.

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African Military Games: Yemi Alade, Olamide, D’banj to Headline Opening Ceremony

The 2024 African Military Games is set to kick off in Abuja, Nigeria, with a star-studded lineup of performances at the opening ceremony. Nigerian music icons D’banj, Yemi Alade, and Olamide will take the stage, joined by Timi Dakolo, to thrill the audience with their hits.

The Nigerian Army announced the lineup on their social media handle, generating excitement among fans and attendees. The African Military Games is a significant event that brings together military personnel from across the continent, and this year’s opening ceremony promises to be an unforgettable experience.

D’banj, known for his energetic performances, will bring his signature style to the stage. Yemi Alade, with her powerful vocals, will surely get the crowd singing along. Olamide, with his unique blend of hip-hop and Afrobeats, will keep the audience entertained. Timi Dakolo, with his soulful voice, will add a touch of class to the performances.

The performances by these Nigerian music icons will undoubtedly add to the excitement and prestige of the event. With their unique styles and hits, they’re sure to get the crowd energized and entertained.

The opening ceremony of the 2024 African Military Games promises to be an unforgettable experience, with D’banj, Yemi Alade, Olamide, and Timi Dakolo taking the stage. Don’t miss out on the excitement!

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Davido Marks Birthday with N300m Donation to Orphanages

Nigerian music superstar Davido is celebrating his birthday in a remarkable way. The award-winning artist has announced that he will be donating N300 million to orphanages across Nigeria.

Davido, who turned a year older on November 21, took to his social media page to share the news with his fans. In a heartfelt post, he expressed his gratitude to God and his fans for their love and support over the years.

As part of his birthday celebration, Davido has decided to give back to the society by supporting vulnerable children in orphanages. The N300 million donation is expected to benefit several orphanages across the country, providing them with much-needed resources and support.

Davido’s philanthropic gesture has been widely praised by his fans and fellow celebrities. His commitment to giving back to the society is a testament to his kind heart and generosity.

The music star’s birthday donation is not his first philanthropic effort. Over the years, Davido has been involved in several charitable initiatives, including supporting education and healthcare projects in Nigeria.

As Davido celebrates another year of life, his fans and well-wishers are celebrating his kindness, generosity, and commitment to making a positive impact on the world.

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