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Is Your Memory Getting Worse? 8 Reasons That Can Happen, According to Doctors

Yellow stickies on your computer monitor. Alerts in your calendar. A checklist reading “Keys? Charger? Reusable grocery bags? Small child?” on the inside of your door so you can’t miss it as you rush out for the day.

Thank the goddess for those little tricks that prompt us to do, bring, buy, show up at, or otherwise attend to one of the hundreds of items on our daily lists. Life is complicated and if you’re also responsible for kids or aging parents, you’re gonna need every ding, note, and piece of string tied around your finger to keep it all straight.

And even with all that, it’s normal space on some stuff. “I’ve had plenty of 30-year-old women say they have dementia, when really they’re 30-year-old moms with three kids and a full-time job,” says Stephanie Faubion, M.D., director of the Mayo Clinic Center for Women’s Health and medical director of The North American Menopause Society.

Dr. Faubion likens our brains to a browser with too many tabs open—the computer is simply slower to respond.

Too-busy people also tend to try and multitask, which actually isn’t a thing, she says.

“Multitasking is a myth—you have to do what you’re doing and then move on to the next thing.” If you don’t remember agreeing to drive your daughter to meet her squad at Starbucks, for example, which she asked while you were cooking and replying to a text, it has nothing do with memory. “You’re basically not concentrating—your attention is just not there.”

Still, it can be a little alarming the first time you wander to the fridge, open it, and forget what you were there for. You might jump to worst-case scenarios, like that you’re on the fast track to Alzheimer’s Disease.

Whether or not your memory issues are cause for concern starts with your age. “If it’s a midlife woman going through menopause, it’s almost never true dementia. If I’m seeing a 75-year-old who is having memory concerns, that’s more worrisome to me,” says Dr. Faubion.

That’s because the risk of dementia and other conditions that can contribute to memory loss increases as you get older, says neurologist Ronald Petersen, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Mayo Clinic Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center and the Mayo Clinic Study of Aging.

“Age itself doesn’t determine anything, but it does kind of set the stage,” he says. A little falling off on things like recall of names after around age 50 is normal, but if it’s anything more than that, “we do want to look at whatever else is going on in your life,” says Dr. Petersen.

Here are some of the things that could be causing your memory glitches—and bear in mind that there may be several things going on, even if one is dominant, says Dr. Petersen:

1. You are stressed or anxious.

Hello! That would be the woman doing 700 things at the same time, or someone who has a lot of long-term external pressures, such as financial trouble or a loved one who’s not well. “When you have too many balls in the air or are burning the candle at both ends, cortisol levels run high,” says Dr. Petersen. This stress hormone that keeps you revved and ready also affects the hippocampus and other parts of the brain that are involved in memory. Similarly, anxiety—persistent worry about something that may or may not happen in the future—feels like stress to your body, and so has the same effect on your brain. “When your anxiety level is high, you can’t focus on anything and your attention is going to be impaired—it’s going to feel like you have a memory disorder because you can’t concentrate on anything,” says Dr. Faubion.

2. You’re feeling depressed.

The jury is out as to whether depression is a cause of memory loss or a symptom of it, but either way, research shows a link between depression and cognitive impairments, including memory issues. Even people who only have a symptom or two can have issues: One study that looked at people who were not clinically depressed found that the more symptoms of depression they had, the more memory issues they reported. And struggling with depression from a young age, another study found, is associated with poorer memory in midlife. And wouldn’t you know it? Certain older antidepressants are also associated with memory loss. Fortunately, newer medications in the SSRI category “have less of a deleterious effect on memory,” says Dr. Petersen.

3. You’re a woman in or around menopause

Among the many joys of perimenopause (the period of time leading up to menopause) and the transition itself may be a small but significant cognitive impairment, according to research, that may be independent of age. Theories abound, but “the bottom line is that we don’t really know exactly why this happens,” says Dr. Faubion.

The sorta kinda good news? Research has suggested that things go back to pre-menopause levels once you’re through the ups and downs of the transition. That said, this is far from certain, especially if you have other factors, such as poverty or HIV. “Women, especially women of color, with multiple risk factors may be more vulnerable to longer-lasting memory problems,” says Dr. Faubion. “Some of the women who were of highest risk in terms of socio-cultural stressors, with and without HIV, didn’t look better on the other side of menopause,” she says.

What’s more, perimenopause often brings on mood changes, such as anxiety and depression, and sleep problems, sometimes caused by symptoms like hot flashes. These can all affect memory. Which brings us to…

4. You’re not sleeping well or enough

Whatever the reason you’re not getting enough good quality sleep, poor shuteye can affect your memory in a big way, says Dr. Petersen. During the deeper stages of sleep, certain proteins are cleared out of the brain, says he says. “But if you never get to the stages of sleep when these housekeeping activities are thought to be taking place, perhaps toxic substances can build up in the brain,” Dr. says, and affect the way these nerves work. Talk to your doctor about possible sleep disorders such as restless leg syndrome or sleep apnea for which you can be treated—improving sleep can boost your alertness throughout the day, which helps memory, says Dr. Petersen.

5. Maybe your medications are fogging your mind

Certain medications are known to affect memory. And in the nothing-is-simple department, some of these meds are ones you’d take to help with anxiety, depression, disrupted sleep, or other problems that may keep you up at night—conditions that if left untreated can contribute to memory issues. Benzodiazepines (often taken for anxiety) are known to affect memory, as are a class of drugs called “anticholinergics,” which show up in treatments for stress urinary incontinence, over-the-counter sleep aids, and allergy treatments like Benadryl. Tricyclic antidepressants and certain opioids also deal your memory a blow.

6. You could be drinking or partying too much

Abusing alcohol or any substance (such as opioids) that can slow your central nervous system may affect memory as well, says Dr. Petersen. “I don’t want to overstate this, but clearly if someone is aging and vulnerable, two or three cocktails a night probably will catch up with you,” he says. Scientists have known for years that there is evidence of brain shrinkage in people with alcohol use disorder.

7. Perhaps you have a thyroid issue

Hypothyroidism (which is when your thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone) not only causes forgetfulness and brain fog, but research has shown that the condition can result in shrinkage of the hippocampus, an area of the brain involved with both long and short term memory. And hyperthyroidism (the gland cranks out too much thyroid hormone) can interfere with cognitive function, and a review of the literature has found that “studies with a larger sample size have shown statistically significant evidence of hyperthyroidism increasing the risk of dementia,” in older patients. “Thyroid hormones are so important for the energy metabolism of individual cells,” including those in the brain, says Dr Petersen. similarly in the brain.

One of the known treatable causes of dementia is a vitamin B12 deficiency, says Dr. Faubion, found in foods like salmon, liver and milk. The vitamin supports nerve health, so “we may check for vitamin B12 deficiency after the age 50 to make sure people are not deficient,” she adds. That said, taking B12 pills (or another B vitamin, folate, a deficiency of which may also be associated with cognitive impairment) does not help to improve memory unless you’re deficient, says Dr. Petersen, which means taking extra B12 or folate isn’t going to make you sharper.

When to see a doctor about memory loss

It’s wise to know the signs that something more serious is going on, because the sooner you seek treatment, the better.

Here’s when Drs. Petersen and Faubion suggest making an appointment.

  • If memory problems bother you. “That warrants a conversation with your physician,” says Dr. Petersen, if only to make you feel better about normal aging.
  • If you’re forgetting routine things, such as which medications you take, or things that you want to do, like a standing girls’ get-together. “It happens every so often, but if it happens tonight and then a week from now and then three weeks from now,” it’s something to look at.
  • If you tell the same story over and over in a short span of time. “I’m talking about the same conversation in a loop in one sitting,” says Dr. Faubion, rather than your aunt who, every time you see her, gleefully recounts how you yelled at the tree when you were a little girl because it wouldn’t move out of the way. If, once reminded, the person remembers telling you and doesn’t do it again, and the repetition is not getting more frequent, it’s probably fine.
  • If the memory loss comes on suddenly or after a medical procedure. “One common thing I hear is, ‘Dad was fine, until he had his prostate surgery,’” says Dr. Petersen. Sometimes everything goes well and the person is fully recovered from an illness or procedure, but perhaps a few months later his family notices memory slippage. “That to me is a notable event. It could be that when the person’s system was stressed, it may have unmasked something that was likely developing.”
  • If those around you are noticing your slips. “Most of the time it’s not the patient who notices, it’s the family, saying things like, ‘Mom isn’t right anymore,’” says Dr. Faubion. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have dementia, adds Dr. Petersen, but that it is time to get yourself evaluated.


Reverse invalidation of degrees from Togo, Benin, Nigerian Students tells FG

The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) Southwest Zone, on Friday, appealed to the Federal Government to reverse its decision on the invalidation of degrees from Benin Republic and Togo, saying the action affects over 22,000 Nigerian students.

The Southwest Coordinator, John Alao, the Zonal Secretary General, Sanni Sulaimon Olamide, and Zonal Public Relations Officer, Peter Oluwadamilola Bamigboye, in a statement, said the student body was distressed to note that thousands of graduates who invested heavily in their education abroad have been rendered uncertain about their future.

“In line with the Renewed Hope Agenda of Mr. President, who has declared that no Nigerian student will be forced to drop out of school, it is distressing to note that thousands of graduates who invested heavily in their education abroad have been rendered uncertain about their future.

“This decision not only undermines their academic achievements but also places them in a precarious position, potentially exposing them to anti-government elements eager to exploit their frustration.

“We acknowledge the government’s concern over the rise of substandard educational institutions and the need to curb academic racketeering.

“However, the outright ban on degrees from Benin Republic and Togo without due diligence, particularly when these certificates were once validated, is both unfair and discriminatory.

“We urge the government to reconsider this decision, as it risks driving talented young Nigerians into the arms of unrest, insurrections, and anti-government activities.

“Nigeria has one of the largest youth populations in the world, with over 70 per cent of our population under the age of 30.

“Many of these young people are struggling in a harsh economic environment, seeking any opportunity for education and betterment.

“By invalidating their degrees and leaving them without recourse, we risk deepening youth unemployment, crime, and insecurity in the country.”

They appealed to the government to do the right thing and protect the future of Nigerian students.

They said: “It is our belief that the government should implement a more targeted approach in addressing the concerns of academic fraud.

“Rather than a blanket ban, the authorities should review each institution on a case-by-case basis, collaborating with regional educational bodies to ensure standards are met.

“The government must also engage in dialogue with affected students, providing alternatives and solutions to mitigate the impact of this decision.

“We appeal for the Federal Government’s intervention to ensure that the rights and future of Nigerian students are protected.

“Let us not allow isolated cases to cast a shadow on the legitimate efforts of thousands of Nigerian students. We trust in the government’s wisdom to make a fair, just, and practical decision that will ensure peace and progress in our nation.”

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‘I am very straight’ Harry song denies rumour of being gay

Nigerian music sensation, Harrysong, has publicly addressed speculation surrounding his sexuality, following a recent encounter with a gay admirer on social media.

During an interactive session with his fans on Instagram, an anonymous individual expressed admiration for the singer, sparking a conversation about his sexual orientation.In a clear and concise response, Harrysong clarified that he identifies as straight, stating,

“I’m not gay. I am very straight.

” However, the ‘Reggae Blues’ crooner also took the opportunity to emphasize his acceptance and non-discriminatory stance towards individuals from the LGBTQ+ community.

“But I don’t discriminate,” he added, conveying a message of inclusivity and respect for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation.

By doing so, Harrysong has demonstrated his commitment to promoting a culture of acceptance and understanding, while also setting the record straight about his own personal life.

The singer’s response has been met with praise from fans and supporters, who appreciate his candor and openness on the matter.

As a prominent figure in the Nigerian music industry, Harrysong’s words carry significant weight, and his message of acceptance is likely to resonate with a wide audience.

By addressing the issue in a straightforward and respectful manner, Harrysong has helped to promote a more inclusive and tolerant environment, where individuals can feel comfortable expressing themselves without fear of judgment or discrimination.

His response serves as a reminder that everyone deserves respect and dignity, regardless of their sexual orientation or identity.

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Tems declares self open for marriage

Grammy-winning Nigerian R&B sensation, Temilade Openiyi, popularly known as Tems, has expressed her openness to the idea of marriage, setting herself apart from many celebrities who have publicly dismissed the notion.

During a recent appearance on the “Shopping The Sneakers” podcast, Tems was asked about her future plans regarding marriage, to which she responded with a hopeful “Yeah, we’ll see.

“The 29-year-old singer’s candid response suggests that she is leaving room for the possibility of marriage in her future.

Notably, Tems is not publicly linked to anyone romantically, having previously debunked rumors of a pregnancy with American rapper Future.

In a past interview with YouTuber Korty EO, Tems shared her perspective on relationships, stating that many men lack a genuine agenda beyond physical intimacy.

Despite this, Tems remains open to the idea of marriage, leaving fans and followers eagerly anticipating what the future holds for the talented artist.

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South Africa, Nigeria react to Chidimma Adetshina’s Miss Nigeria win

The crowning of Chidimma Adetshina as Miss Universe Nigeria 2024 has led to another heated digital conversation between South Africa and Nigeria.

Chidimma, who was born to a Nigerian father in South Africa, withdrew from the Miss South Africa competition due to backlash over her nationality.

Her Nigerian heritage attracted vicious xenophobic attacks and sparked controversy when she was announced as a Miss South Africa finalist in July, while the government said it was investigating a claim that her mother may have stolen the identity of a South African woman.

Despite not being in the country in 20 years, organisers of the Nigerian contest invited her to join their final, saying it was a chance for her to “represent your father’s native land on an international stage.”

The former Miss South Africa contestant was crowned Miss Universe Nigeria on Saturday. After her win, Chidimma stated, “This journey has been a tough journey for me and I am so proud of myself and I’m really grateful for the love and the support.”

However, many South Africans have taken to social media to express their discontent, with some calling Nigeria “lawless” and accusing the country of being a “fraud.”

Others accused Nigeria of “robbing other girls” and “cooking” the competition and some questioned the legitimacy of Chidimma’s Nigerian citizenship and claimed that she was only crowned to spite South Africa. says “A lawless country like that one makes me laugh 😂 to crown a fraud” says “Nigeria 🇳🇬 is lawless, what more can you expect from them” says “It is a fact that Nigeria robbed other girls just to prove a point to SA that Chidima can be Miss Nigeria if they want to.” says “Obviously it was cooked. First of all, they called her into the contest out of spite to SAns, without her auditioning. Obviously, they had to give her the title. I wonder how the other contestants are feeling about her reign!” says “Just waiting for Miss Universe organisers to have a say on this matter. I don’t see her taking part in Mexico because she is under investigation for identity fraud in SA, then boom got her papers sorted to be a Nigerian citizen, and boom she is now crowned. Lots of loopholes here.” says “Congratulations to Miss #ChidimmaAdetshina on winning the much coveted Miss Universe Nigeria. I hope she was not used as a Trojan horse to prove a point at the expense of other contestants, as many suspected. But I knew she would win. Don’t ask me how.”

Meanwhile, some South Africans have rallied behind Ufa Dania, a contestant representing Kwara State who did not win.

During the Chidimma controversy, Dania received an outpouring of support from South Africans online, with many voting for her. Some South Africans, who expected Dania to win, expressed sympathy for her, calling her the “true queen” and saying she would get bigger things than that crown.

“All eyes were on Nigeria; they had a chance to make history and change stereotypes, but as usual, they disappointed us Miss Kwara you will always be our Queen #MissUniverseNigeria.” wrote one X user.

Another user said “To all my Southy 🇿🇦 who voted for Miss Kwara Here is a reminder that you didn’t make a mistake. 🥺🤍 SADC we did it 😭 This is the year of Inclusivity 🤞🏽”

” Dear Miss Kwara, This pageant was just a stepping stone, not the ultimate destination. You will get bigger things than that crown. Your destiny is international, not local. See you on the global stage.👑”

Nigerians, on the other hand, were divided. While some celebrated Chidimma’s win and her resilience, others also questioned her deep connection to Nigeria. says “Congratulations, Queen Chidimma Adetshina, Miss Universe Nigeria 2024. I feel very sorry for those girls who have worked very hard preparing for this contest only to be rigging for clout. The organisers need the clout; Chidimma needs the crown; it’s a win for both parties.” says “Chidinma Adetshina??? Which part of Nigeria is she from???? Adetshina is name, what state exactly?????” says, “Let’s imagine what could have happened to Chidinma Vanessa Adetshina if she didn’t win Miss Universe. The South Africans would have killed her with their negative abuses since yesterday. Now let’s imagine that she wins Miss Universe (World). They will cry blood.”

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Chidimma, South Africa’s Ex-beauty queen, wins Miss Nigeria after row

A former Miss South Africa contestant hounded over a nationality row was crowned Miss Universe Nigeria on Saturday, capping a difficult few weeks for the beauty queen.

Born to a Nigerian father in South Africa, 23-year-old Chidimma Adetshina withdrew from the country’s competition “for the safety and wellbeing of my family and I” after a backlash that exposed anti-foreigner sentiment in South Africa.


“This journey has been a tough journey for me and I am so proud of myself and I’m really grateful for the love and the support,” Adetshina told AFP minutes after being crowned in Nigeria’s commercial capital of Lagos.

“This is something that I’ve always wanted, and I’m really glad that I have a second shot as well at achieving it,” Adetshina said.

Her Nigerian heritage attracted vicious xenophobic attacks and sparked controversy when she was announced as a Miss South Africa finalist in July, while the government said it was investigating a claim that her mother may have stolen the identity of a South African woman.

Despite not being in the country in 20 years, organisers of the Nigerian contest invited her to join their final, saying it was a chance for her to “represent your father’s native land on an international stage”.

“We all need to stop with the xenophobia… with the tribalism,” first runner-up Paula Ezendu told AFP.

“We’re all one family. We’re all human beings,” she added.


The nationality controversy notwithstanding, Adetshina insisted she loved South Africa and was grateful for the support from the country.

She will represent Nigeria at the international Miss Universe competition in November.

“I know we are going to win,” she told reporters.

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Did Portable Get a 10-Year Canada Work Visa? He Says So, But…

Popular Nigerian musician, Habeeb Okikiola, better known as Portable, has claimed that he has secured a 10-year Canada work visa.

Portable made the claim in a video posted on Instagram on Friday.

Showing off the visa he had received, Portable said that he can now perform his shows in Canada.

“Alhamdulilahi 🙏 CEO DR ZEHNATION Going to Canada 🇨🇦 Going and coming 10 years working permit,” he captioned the video.

However, findings by The Guardian show that it is possible what Portable got is a multiple entry visa.

Canadian work permits are typically valid for a period of 1-2 years, with some exceptions. A visa officer will usually not issue a work permit for longer than the validity of an applicant’s passport or past the validity indicated on the applicant’s Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).

According to, while valid, a multiple entry visa will let you travel to Canada for six months at a time as many times as you want. It will be valid for up to 10 years or one month before your passport expires, whichever is shorter. You must arrive in Canada on or before the expiry date on your visa.

Portable became famous after contributing to the song, ‘ZaZoo Zehh,’ which featured Nigerian rapper Olamide and famous dancer Poco Lee.

During his early stage of fame, he became popular for always calling out his business partners on social media, accusing them of defrauding him on business deals.

In April 2023, Portable was arrested by the police in Ogun State and arraigned on five counts bordering on alleged assault and stealing at the Ifo Magistrate Court.

He was remanded at the Ilaro Correctional Centre thereafter but released after meeting his bail conditions.

In May 2024, Portable was again arrested by the police for refusing to pay the balance of a G-Wagon vehicle he purchased from a car dealer.

He was reported to have purchased the vehicle worth ₦27 million but paid only ₦13 million.

In a viral video, Portable was seen to have scaled a gate after policemen approached him with an arrest warrant to follow them but refused, which led to him being handcuffed and taken into a waiting vehicle.

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